Monday, July 6, 2015

Climbing the Peak of Kie Matubu / Mount Tidore - Natural Attractions of North Maluku

Climbing Peak Kie Matubu / Mount Tidore - Natural Attractions of North Maluku

Kie Matubu is known as Mount Tidore by the people of North Maluku, as it is located on Tidore Island, North Maluku province. The peak of Kie Matubu is the highest point in North Maluku province at an altitude of 1,730 meters above sea level. At the peak of this mountain, you will be presented with a magnificent view.

Various islands can be seen from the peak, such as: Maitara Island, Ternate Island, Hiri Island, Halmahera Island, Mare Island, Moti Island, Makian Island, and so on.

At night, we could see the glow of the city of Ternate at the foot of Mount Gamalama from here. If you want to climb the peak, you should go here in mid-month, or during the full moon, so you can clearly see the surrounding landscape, assisted by the moonlight. In addition, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of sunrise and sunset. You can build a tent on top of this mountain.

On the south side of the peak, you can see Mare Island, Moti Island, and Makian Island in a row. While on the west side, you can see Halmahera islands.

Mount Tidore is last erupted in the 1800s, and now is no longer active. The crater  is approximately as deep as 100 m.

Climbing Peak Kie Matubu / Mount Tidore - Natural Attractions of North Maluku
The Crater of Inactive Mount Tidore

To reach the peak of Mount Kie Matubu, you can start the trip from Port Rum in Soasio City for about 45 minutes, then heading to Gurabunga Village for around 20 minutes. You can rent a car or use public transportation to this place. In Gurabunga Village, you must ask for permission to "Sohi" or the headman of Gurabunga Village. No levy for access to the peak, The headman of the village will give guidance to the climbers for their safety. The climbing to the peak of Kie Matubu requires time of approximately 4 hours.

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