Saturday, May 28, 2016

Contributions of Entrepreneurship in Society

Entrepreneurs have much to give to society. Their contribution
to the welfare of society is of high order. A business person apart from making
money for him or herself also helps the society in many ways financially and

Financially, of course the respective country benefits by the
business carried out by entrepreneurs. At the same time many of the welfare
activities of the businessman improve the living conditions of the people of
that particular society.

How does an entrepreneur help the society?

Donations – A business person donates a lot of money for charity
purposes. From his or her earnings, he or she would like to help the
downtrodden and try to improve their living conditions.

Charitable institutions – A businessman or woman sets up various educational, medical
and vocational training institutions to provide the less privileged with
benefits which they normally cannot afford. The fees may be less or waived in the
case of a meritorious student. Hospitals are also run by these charitable

Sponsorship – Many business people sponsor a candidate for higher education
or fund a child in an orphanage. In fact, many orphanages are backed by these
business people. Scholarships are provided to a poor student for him or her to
avail of better educational opportunities.

Welfare programs – A businessman or woman financially contributes to various
welfare programs, like helping the blind, orphans, widow etc. In times of
crisis, they help by donating items such as blankets, clothes, medicines etc.

Advisors to respective government – Many successful
business people participate in government activities in order to promote the
well-being of the citizens. The government often seeks their advice on certain
social and economic activities.

Business is essential for the progress of a nation. A successful
businessman or woman is an asset to the society. He or she can contribute to
the wellbeing of a society in several ways that improve the living conditions
of the people.

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